07/11 10:22 00:00:06 All right, folks. 00:00:07 We are back on record. 00:00:09 Kroenke and Treasure chest 3AN20-0862 civil parties and counsel are present. 00:00:15 Jury is out. 00:00:17 Anything that we need to address? 00:00:19 MR. No, Judge. 00:00:20 We're – Mr. Frank Martin will be next. 00:00:22 He's the one with the severe hearing disability. 00:00:25 Okay. 00:00:26 MR. So I just want to make the court aware of that. 00:00:30 Did you get that word, Alexa? 00:00:32 We need headphones. 00:00:36 Thank you for the reminder. 00:00:46 Let us pause for a moment and make sure that slipped through our cracks. 00:00:50 No problem. 00:00:51 Why don't we go ahead and we can go off record if you wouldn't mind.