07/11 13:13 00:00:07 All right, so I mentioned just briefly while the jury was stepping out, we're back on record. 00:00:14 I did receive another note from the jurors. 00:00:17 I'm going to have Madam Clerk copy this for you so you can both see it, but there's four questions that were asked. 00:00:25 First question is, what is the area defined as, quote, Idaho Gulch, close quote. 00:00:31 Why was it removed in the amendment? 00:00:37 Second question, will we see the other mining contracts? 00:00:42 Third question, were Frank and Travis promised gold before the contract or the amendment? 00:00:49 And the fourth question is, what contract was FUBAR crew mining to FUBAR? 00:01:05 I can't read the second word, but it looks like fulfill for Travis. 00:01:14 I will have Madam Clerk make you each a copy of these questions so that you can look at them. 00:01:22 You can think about whether or not you're going to need to do something on rebuttal. 00:01:26 It looks to me like these are questions that would most likely be directed to Mr. Elliott. 00:01:33 I see everybody nodding. 00:01:35 If there's somebody else that you need to recall in order to address that, we can take that up in the morning. 00:01:43 Anything you want to address in terms of the motion and limiting now, or do you want to take that up first thing? 00:01:47 Can we take it up first thing? 00:01:49 It would be helpful for me. 00:01:50 Thank you. 00:01:50 All right. 00:01:51 Anything else that we need to address, Mr. Bettinger? 00:01:56 The party's only objection to exhibits that's still outstanding is Defendant's Exhibit A. I know we've talked about it before, but if we could potentially resolve that issue before having the exhibit in front of the jury, I think that would be my preference. 00:02:15 We could do a voir dire for Ms. 00:02:16 Elliott beforehand or however the court prefers. 00:02:20 I may show it to Mr. Elliott, and I may draw an objection, but I do not intend to show it to the jury unless and until it's admitted by the court. 00:02:29 Which was my prior ruling. 00:02:30 I mean, I think at this point what I have said is it's not excluded nor is it admitted at this point. 00:02:37 I recognize that it may be a demonstrative aid which might be used at some point in closing. 00:02:46 It also may be a document used to refresh. 00:02:49 I recognize your 00:02:50 Thank you all and we'll see you at 8.30.