07/16 09:48 00:00:00 Thanks, everybody. 00:00:01 Please be seated. 00:00:02 Okay, folks, we're back on record in Kroenke v Treasure Chest 3 and 20-08622 Civil Parties and Counsel are present. 00:00:14 Jury is out. 00:00:16 Counsel had a chance to look at the jury instructions as revised. 00:00:20 Mr. Bedinger? 00:00:22 Yes, no problems here. 00:00:23 Okay, Mr. Capian? 00:00:24 Same here. 00:00:24 Thank you. 00:00:26 Okay. 00:00:27 What I'm going to do then is 00:00:29 Sign the jury instructions and have my JA start making copies. 00:00:33 We'll collect the jury and then get to closing. 00:00:38 I know Madam Clerk was going to give you a chance to look through the exhibits as they're supposed to go back. 00:00:44 I don't know whether that process has started, where you are in it, but if we haven't finished it yet, we'll make sure we do that before we actually send the exhibits back to the jury. 00:00:54 I reviewed the exhibits from the binders. 00:00:57 They look good to me. 00:00:58 I think our only issue is with the USB keys. 00:01:02 I submitted one yesterday with audio files. 00:01:05 That one's fine. 00:01:07 There's another USB on the counter. 00:01:09 That was the one I prepared for the court that has all of my exhibits. 00:01:13 And I plugged it into my computer and it still has the non-admitted ones. 00:01:16 And Mr. Campion's USB has the same issue. 00:01:21 Okay. 00:01:21 So the USB... 00:01:28 So what we've got is the court copy of one, and then Mr. Campion, your original has all of yours or just the copy? 00:01:37 Mine has all of the exhibits, including the non-admitted, so I think once the jury starts deliberating, Mr. Bender and I will make sure that we have a clean USB drive for them. 00:01:48 At least for your two audio exhibits. 00:01:52 Seth kroenke v Treasure chest LLC 00:02:12 I know I had asked you in advance of trial if you could give me a USB key with all of the exhibits on it for the court's use. 00:02:19 That's basically so that I can load them and look at them that way, but that's not what the jury gets. 00:02:23 Fortunately, we're still in paper for 00:02:42 slowly but surely getting there, but they still get the paper exhibits at this point. 00:02:47 But for the audio and the video, the digital key will work. 00:02:50 I just need to make sure it's just the ones that were admitted. 00:02:53 So we'll straighten that out after we close. 00:02:56 Let me go deal with jury instructions. 00:02:59 I'll get you all a copy of the signed signature page to add to your packet instead of killing another tree. 00:03:07 My intention with the alternate, because again, 00:03:12 things can happen is to let the alternate sit through closing and instruction and then the last thing that we're going to do is to pick the unlucky person who doesn't get to deliberate after hearing all the evidence unless of course we've got somebody in between but that's the process judges for the court's information my first opening will be shorter than my second opening are you planning to reserve specific time or just tell me at the end 00:03:42 I'll reserve the balance of my time. 00:03:43 Yes. 00:03:44 Okay. 00:03:44 Absolutely. 00:03:45 Fair enough. 00:03:46 All right. 00:03:47 I'm going to go take care of this. 00:03:52 And as soon as I come back, we'll get the jury.