07/18 14:53 00:00:01 Good afternoon, folks. 00:00:02 Please be seated. 00:00:06 All right, we're back on record in the matter of Seth Kroenke v Randy Elliott and Treasure Chest LLC 3AN20-0862C. 00:00:14 Parties and counsel are present. 00:00:15 We have a note from the jury that they have reached a verdict, so any issues to address before then? 00:00:20 Okay. 00:00:22 No. 00:00:23 All right. 00:01:06 Thank you for watching! 00:02:09 All right, welcome back, everybody. 00:02:10 Please be seated. 00:02:17 I have a note from you all that you have reached a verdict, and it looks like Mr. Doggett, are you the foreperson? 00:02:22 Yes. 00:02:23 I am. 00:02:23 Have you reached a verdict? 00:02:24 Huh? 00:02:25 Have you reached a verdict? 00:02:26 Yes. 00:02:26 Okay. 00:02:27 If you would come on down and hand that over to Madam Clerk. 00:02:34 I'll just take it straight from you. 00:02:35 Thank you, sir. 00:02:38 You can go have a seat. 00:02:39 Thank you 00:03:03 All right, jury has completed all sections of the jury verdict. 00:03:09 It has been dated and signed the 18th day of July, 2024 by the foreperson. 00:03:16 Let me now read the verdict. 00:03:21 Question one, did Treasure Chest LLC and Randy Elliott breach a contract with Seth Kroenke? 00:03:27 Answer yes or no, the answer is yes. 00:03:32 section 2 did Treasure chest LLC and Randy Elliott breach a covenant of good faith and fair dealing with Seth Kroenke answer yes question 3 if you answered yes to question number 1 what are the total damages if any caused by treasure chest LLC and Randy Elliott's breach of contract answer $170,927.19 00:03:58 Question 4 if you answered yes to question number 2 what are the total damages if any caused by Treasure chest LLC and Randy Elliott's breach of covenant of good faith and fair dealing answer $292,500 Question 5 did Seth Kroenke breach a contract with Treasure Chest LLC and Randy Elliott answer yes sorry answer yes or no the answer is yes 00:04:27 Number six, did Seth Kroenke engage in an abusive process when he filed his lien? 00:04:33 Answer yes or no. 00:04:34 The answer is no. 00:04:37 Question seven, if you answered yes to question number five, what are the total damages, if any, caused by Seth Kroenke's breach of contract? 00:04:44 Answer one dollar. 00:04:47 Question eight, is not applicable, is what they have filled in. 00:04:51 Question nine is also not applicable and dated and signed today's date. 00:04:59 Mr. Campion, do you wish to pull the jury? 00:05:02 No, Your Honor. 00:05:06 Mr. Brzezinski? 00:05:07 No, sir. 00:05:08 Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you have fulfilled your duty. 00:05:12 Thank you so much for all of your hard work and your patience through this process. 00:05:18 Lawyers, 00:05:20 And I'm sure thank you for all of the perseverance that you have shown throughout this trial. 00:05:26 You are now going to be released from my instruction that you can't talk about the case. 00:05:30 You are free to talk about it with your family, your friends, whoever may have questions for you about your service on the jury. 00:05:38 The lawyers frequently have questions that they'd like to talk to you about just in terms of the things that they did, the evidence that they presented. 00:05:48 It's always a learning experience for lawyers to get a chance to talk to jurors afterwards and say, gosh, what did you like about the way we presented our case? 00:05:57 What did you not like? 00:05:58 It's a learning opportunity for everybody. 00:06:00 We never know what you all talk about in the back room. 00:06:04 Your deliberations are secret, but lawyers often want to know, how can we learn from this experience? 00:06:10 So if you are willing to have a chat with 00:06:12 either of the lawyers or the court afterwards. 00:06:15 What I'm going to ask you to do is to write your name and number on a piece of paper in the back. 00:06:20 It's voluntary. 00:06:21 You don't have to do that, but frequently people want to have a discussion with you afterwards. 00:06:25 So you are now discharged from your service in this jury. 00:06:29 I thank you all for your patience and for the hard work that you have shown. 00:06:34 You deliberated long and hard over this case. 00:06:37 It shows that you paid a lot of attention. 00:06:40 And I really thank you for that. 00:06:42 So with that, ladies and gentlemen, you are dismissed. 00:07:11 All right, clerk, let's get a copy of the verdict form for each party. 00:07:15 Any issues to address at this point? 00:07:19 Mr. Campion? 00:07:20 No, Your Honor. 00:07:21 Mr. Bettinger? 00:07:23 Other than a copy of the verdict form? 00:07:28 I don't think so, Your Honor. 00:07:29 We have the two parties' equitable claims that are still outstanding, the enforcement of the lien or the expungement of the lien. 00:07:38 I'm not sure how the court wants to handle that. 00:07:40 Perhaps the parties can talk about it first and see if we can work something out. 00:07:44 I suspect that there are issues that you all may have to address, so why don't you have a chat. 00:07:52 I would simply ask this. 00:07:57 Take a couple of weeks, meet and confer. 00:07:59 Let me know how you want to proceed from there. 00:08:01 If we need to do further proceedings, you want to do briefing, we'll go from there. 00:08:05 Thank you. 00:08:05 Thank you. 00:08:05 All right. 00:08:08 Counsel, thank you all for your presentations, for your hard work on the case. 00:08:11 I appreciate it.