06/24 15:03

This session mainly covered the logistical aspects of the upcoming trial, including scheduling, preparation, and technology arrangements.

07/09 08:33

Jury Selection Process:

Witness Testimony:

Witness Handling:

Exhibits and Evidence:

Instructions and Case Management:

Key Issues Addressed:

07/09 09:30

The court session focused on jury selection. The parties agreed to dismiss five potential jurors for cause based on various issues, such as pregnancy, financial hardship, and travel plans. The court and counsel discussed the expected duration of the trial, aiming for it to conclude within five trial days. The dismissed jurors were officially noted, and the remaining jurors were prepared to be brought in.

07/09 09:47

Jury Selection Process:

Jurors Dismissed:

  1. Juror 1: Dismissed due to anxiety, brain fog, and discomfort, which could impact her ability to concentrate.
  2. Juror 4: Dismissed due to childcare responsibilities starting on the 16th, which would prevent her from fully participating in the trial.
  3. Juror 9: Dismissed due to concerns about her ability to focus on the trial because of her responsibility to care for multiple pets throughout the day.
  4. Juror 12: Dismissed after expressing increasing concern about a medical condition that worsened during the session.

Court's Decisions:

The session primarily focused on the jury selection process, ensuring that all selected jurors could serve without bias or distractions.

07/09 11:18

No significant decisions or rulings were made during this session.

07/09 11:46

Note: This session primarily dealt with jury selection and procedural discussions, with no significant developments in the case itself.

07/09 13:07

Jury Selection:

Exhibit Issue:



07/10 08:38

This session focused primarily on procedural matters and did not include any significant events like closing arguments or a jury verdict.

07/10 08:52

Opening Statements:

Court Instructions:

Next Steps:

07/10 09:58

Testimony of Seth Kroenke

This testimony focused heavily on the operational challenges and discrepancies between the parties' expectations and the reality of the mining operation.

07/10 11:05

This session focused on the contractual disputes, financial losses, and operational challenges faced by Mr. Kroenke's company in their mining efforts, culminating in their departure from the site.

07/10 12:23

07/11 08:45

07/11 10:22

No significant legal arguments or rulings were made during this session. The discussion focused on logistical matters related to the witness with a hearing disability.

07/11 10:27

Witness: Frank Martin

Note: The session included detailed technical discussions on gold mining processes, equipment use, and operational decisions that impacted the outcome of the mining season.

07/11 11:30

Key Issues Discussed:

Conclusion: The session primarily focused on the necessity and challenges of infrastructure for mining operations and the reasonableness of the expenses incurred during these operations.

07/11 13:13

07/12 08:37

  1. Motions in Limine:
  1. Key Testimony and Issues:
  1. Exhibit Admission and Objections:
  1. Witness Testimony and Examination:

This session primarily focused on the admissibility of evidence and testimony related to the plaintiff’s claims and the defense’s arguments concerning the operations at Dan Creek and the implications of the lien on the property.

07/12 10:25

Conclusion: The court session primarily focused on disputes over the terms of a mining agreement, the handling of expenses, and the filing of a lien on the speaker's property. Testimonies and exhibits highlighted the financial disagreements and the breakdown in communication between the parties involved.

07/12 11:21

Cross-Examination of Mr. Elliott:

Court Session Conclusion:

07/15 08:34

  1. Jury Matters:
  1. Deposition and Testimony Procedures:
  1. Case Issues:
  1. Objections:
  1. Next Steps:

This session primarily dealt with procedural matters, the logistics of remote testimonies, and clarifications regarding the contractual obligations and operations at Dan Creek.

07/15 09:43

Witness Testimony:

Procedural Notes:

Overall: The session primarily focused on witness testimony regarding gold mining operations, relationships between parties, and specific incidents related to the 2020 mining season.

07/15 11:00

Exhibit 27 (Audio Recordings):

Deposition of Charles Armstrong:

Rebuttal Testimony by Mr. Kroenke:

Cross-Examination of Mr. Kroenke:

Directed Verdict Motion:

Closing Instructions:

Next Steps:

07/16 08:33

Directed Verdict

Jury Instructions

Other Points

This session primarily dealt with jury instructions and the denial of the motion for a directed verdict, with significant discussion on the appropriate basis for damages and punitive damages.

07/16 09:48

07/16 09:56

Court Session Details:

Closing Arguments by Mr. Brzezinski:

Closing Note:

This summary provides the essential points of the closing arguments without unnecessary details, focusing on the arguments and evidence presented.

07/16 10:16

Key Issues:

  1. Reimbursement of Expenses:
  1. Prevention from Mining Gold:

Arguments from Both Sides:

Request for Relief:

This summary captures the core issues, arguments, and requests for relief presented during the court session.

07/16 11:41

This session focused on summarizing the closing arguments and the financial implications of the alleged breach of contract.

07/16 12:27

Jury Instructions: The judge provided detailed instructions to the jury on how to deliberate, emphasizing the importance of considering all evidence and applying the law impartially. The instructions covered how to evaluate witness testimony, expert opinions, and the legal standards for breach of contract, implied promise of good faith, and the tort of abuse of process.

Key Issues in the Case:

Final Steps Before Deliberation:

The case is now in the hands of the jury.

07/16 14:39

No other significant matters were discussed during the session.

07/18 10:58

This session was primarily focused on addressing the jury's question during deliberations.

07/18 11:41

This session primarily focused on how to guide the jury's decision-making process through specific instructions related to breach of contract.

07/18 14:53

Jury Verdict:

Next Steps: